BBO Training

Dealer Source criteria – 1. BBO -> Practice -> Tisch starten Unterricht -> Plätze Reservieren -> Tisch öffnen -> Platz nehmen und Roboter aktivieren – > 3 Balken Menü -> Quelle für Verteilungen -> D Fortgeschritten -> Eingabe für Dealer Programm anhäkeln -> Verteilungen um 180 ° drehen -> x anklicken -> Redeal


To get an opening 1C bid

(NB most of the hands will provide a 1NT 12-14 opening as it is far more common than the 18-19 hand).

(clubs(north)>=1&&diamonds(north)<=3&&hearts(north)<=4&&spades(north)<=4&&((hcp(north)>=12&&hcp(north)<=14)||(hcp(north)>=18&&hcp(north)<=19)))|| (clubs(north)>=4&&diamonds(north)<clubs(north)&&hearts(north)<clubs(north)&&spades(north)<clubs(north)&&hcp(north)>=12&&!(hcp(north)>=15||hcp(north)<=17))

To get an opening 1C bid that is NOT a weak 12-14 1NT

hcp(north)>11&& ((!shape(north, any 4333 + any 4432 + any 5332)&& clubs(north)>=1&&diamonds(north)<=4&&hearts(north)<=4&&spades(north)<=4)|| (shape(north, any 4333 + any 4432 + any 5332)&&hcp(north)>17&&hcp(north)<20))

To get an opening 1C bid and a 4-4 major suit fit.

(clubs(north)>=1&&diamonds(north)<=3&&hearts(north)<=4&&spades(north)<=4&&((hcp(north)>=12&&hcp(north)<=14)||(hcp(north)>=18&&hcp(north)<=19)))|| (clubs(north)>=4&&diamonds(north)<clubs(north)&&hearts(north)<clubs(north)&&spades(north)<clubs(north)&&hcp(north)>=12&&!(hcp(north)>=15||hcp(north)<=17))&& ((spades(south)>=4&&spades(north)==4)||(hearts(south)>=4&&hearts(north)==4))&&hcp(south)>=6

To get an opening 1C bid and a 4-4 major suit fit and opener is 18-19

(clubs(north)>=1&&diamonds(north)<=3&&hearts(north)<=4&&spades(north)<=4&&(hcp(north)>=18&&hcp(north)<=19))&& ((spades(south)>=4&&spades(north)==4)||(hearts(south)>=4&&hearts(north)==4))&&hcp(south)>=6

To get an opening 1C bid and inverted 2C response.


To get an opening 1C bid and responder hold 4+ clubs.


To get a natural opening 1C bid that isn’t a strong NT:-


Übung für 1x1y1z:

((clubs(north)>=1&&hearts(north)<=4&&spades(north)<=4&&diamonds(north)<=4&&hcp(north)>=12&&hcp(north)<=20)&&hcp(south)>=8) not (hcp(north)>=15&&hcp(north)<=17)


To get an opening 1m and inverted response:-

(clubs(south)>=4&&diamonds(south)<=3&&hearts(south)<=3&&spades(south)<=3&&hcp(south)>=10)&& (clubs(north)>=1&&diamonds(north)<=4&&hearts(north)<=4&&spades(north)<=4&& ((hcp(north)>=12&&hcp(north)<=14)||(hcp(north)>=18&&hcp(north)<=19))) || (diamonds(south)>=4&&hearts(south)<=3&&spades(south)<=3&&clubs(south)<=4&&hcp(south)>=10)&& (diamonds(north)>=4&&clubs(north)<=3&&hearts(north)<=4&&spades(north)<=4&&((hcp(north)>=12&&hcp(north)<=14)||(hcp(north)>=18&&hcp(north)<=19)))

MAJOR SUITS To get an opening 1M bid:-

(hearts(north)>=5||spades(north)>=5)&&hcp(north)>=12&&hcp(north)<=19&&!(shape(north, any 5332)&&hcp(north)>=15&&hcp(north)<=17)

To get a responding hand to 1M with 7+ points:-

(hearts(north)>=5||spades(north)>=5)&&hcp(north)>=12&&hcp(north)<=19&&!(shape(north, any 5332)&&hcp(north)>=15&&hcp(north)<=17)&&hcp(south)>=7

To get an opening 1M and responding hand with 10-12 HCP:-

(hearts(north)>=5||spades(north)>=5)&&hcp(north)>=12&&hcp(north)<=19&&!(shape(north, any 5332)&&hcp(north)>=15&&hcp(north)<=17)&&(hcp(south)>=10&&hcp(south)<=12)

To get a 1NT responding hand to 1M :-

((hearts(north)>=5&&hearts(south)<3&&spades(south)<4)||(spades(north)>=5&&spades(south)<3))&&hcp(north)>=12&&hcp(north)<=19&&!(shape(north, any 5332)&&hcp(north)>=15&&hcp(north)<=17)&&hcp(south)<13&&hcp(south)>4

To get a responding hand to 1M with 3+ card support and 4+ HCP

((hearts(north)>=5&&hearts(south)>=3)||(spades(north)>=5&&spades(south)>=3))&&hcp(north)>=12&&hcp(north)<=19&&!(shape(north, any 5332)&&hcp(north)>=15&&hcp(north)<=17)&&hcp(south)>4

(Zum üben für uns!!!) Nord 5er Pik od. 5er Coeur mit 53xx und Nord Punkte und Süd mehr als 11

((hearts(north)>=5&&hearts(south)>=3)||(spades(north)>=5&&spades(south)>=3))&&hcp(north)>=12&&hcp(north)<=20&&!(shape(north, any 53xx)&&hcp(north)>=15&&hcp(north)<=17)&&hcp(south)>11

Test (Ist OK)

((hearts(north)>=5&&hearts(south)>=3)||(spades(north)>=5&&spades(south)>=3))&&hcp(north)>=11&&hcp(north)<=20&&!(shape(north, any 53xx)&&hcp(north)>=15&&hcp(north)<=17)&&hcp(south)>11&&!(shape(north, any 54xx)&&hcp(north)>=15&&hcp(north)<=17)&&hcp(south)>11&&!(shape(north, any 55xx)&&hcp(north)>=15&&hcp(north)<=17)&&hcp(south)>11

(Auch zum Üben!) To get a responding hand to 1M with 3+ card support and 3+ HCP with intervention:-

((hearts(north)>=5&&hearts(south)>=3)||(spades(north)>=5&&spades(south)>=3))&&hcp(north)>=12&&hcp(north)<=19&&!(shape(north, any 5332)&&hcp(north)>=15&&hcp(north)<=17)&&hcp(south)>=3&&hcp(east)>=13&&shape(east, any 5xxx + any 4441)

To get a 5 card Major with shape 5422:-

hcp(north)>=12&&hcp(north)<=19&&shape(north, 5422 + 4522 + 5242 +5224 + 2542 + 2524)


To get an opening 1NT:-

strongNT = ( shape(north, any 5332 + any 4432 + any 4333)&& hcp(north)>=15&&hcp(north)<=18 ) condition strongNT

To get an opening 1NT with a 5 card Major with shape 5422 or 5332:-

hcp(north)>=15&&hcp(north)<=17 && ( (shape(north, 5422 + 4522) && hcp(north, clubs)>4 && hcp(north, diamonds)>4)|| (shape(north, 5242) && hcp(north, clubs)>4 && hcp(north, hearts)>4)|| (shape(north, 5224) && hcp(north, hearts)>4 && hcp(north, diamonds)>4)|| (shape(north, 2542) && hcp(north, clubs)>4 && hcp(north, spades)>4)|| (shape(north, 2524) && hcp(north, spades)>4 && hcp(north, diamonds)>4)|| (shape(north, 5332 + 5233 + 5323 + 3532 + 3523 + 2533)) )

To get an opening 1NT with the balance of points:-

strongNT = ( shape(north, any 5332 + any 4432 + any 4333)&& hcp(north)>=15&&hcp(north)<=18 ) condition strongNT&&hcp(south)>6

To get an opening 1NT with the balance of points and responder no more than 4 cards in majors:-

strongNT = ( shape(north, any 5332 + any 4432 + any 4333)&& hcp(north)>=15&&hcp(north)<=18 ) condition strongNT&&(shape(south,22xx + 31xx + 13xx + 21xx + 12xx + 30xx + 03xx))&&hcp(south)>6

To get an opening 1NT with the balance of points and responder with several types of handa:

strongNT = ( shape(north, any 5332 + any 4432 + any 4333)&& hcp(north)>=15&&hcp(north)<=18 ) condition strongNT&&shape(south,xxx5 + xxx6 + any 22xx + any 12xx + any 21xx + any 54xx + any 55xx + any 64xx) &&hcp(south)>6

To get an opening 1NT with the balance of points and responder with any 5 card suit or 4441:-

strongNT = ( shape(north, any 5332 + any 4432 + any 4333)&& hcp(north)>=15&&hcp(north)<=18 ) condition strongNT&&shape(south, any 5xxx + any 4441 + any 4333 + any 4432 + any 6322) &&hcp(south)>6

To get an opening 1NT with a 2 suiter responding hand:-

condition strongNT&&shape(south, any 54xx + any 55xx + any 64xx)&&hcp(south)>=6

To get an opening 1NT with a 2S, 3x or 2NT response:-

strongNT = ( shape(north, any 5332 + any 4432 + any 4333)&& hcp(north)>=15&&hcp(north)<=18 ) condition strongNT&& ( ( shape(south, any 4333 + any 4432)&& hcp(south)>15 )|| ( shape(south, xx6x + xxx6 + xx7x + xxx7)&& hcp(south)<7 )|| ( hcp(south)<9&& ((shape(south, xxx6)&&hcp(south,clubs)>4&&hascard(south,TC))|| (shape(south, xx6x)&&hcp(south,diamonds)>4&&hascard(south,TD))|| (shape(south, x6xx)&&hcp(south,hearts)>4&&hascard(south,TH))|| (shape(south, 6xxx)&&hcp(south,spades)>4&&hascard(south,TS))) ) )

To get an opening 1NT with the balance of points and a Robot intervention:-

strongNT = ( shape(north, any 5332 + any 4432 + any 4333)&& hcp(north)>=15&&hcp(north)<=18 ) condition strongNT&& hcp(east)>6&&shape(east, any 6xxx + any 7xxx + any 5440 + any 55xx + any 5431)&& (hcp(north)+hcp(south)>=21)


To get a reversing shape where the responding hand has GF values:-

(hcp(south)>=12)&& ( (hcp(north)>=16&&hcp(north)<=21) || (hcp(north)>=11&&hcp(north)<=15) ) && ( (hearts(north)>=5&&spades(north)==4&&(clubs(south)>=5||diamonds(south)>=5) )|| (diamonds(north)>=5&&hearts(north)==4&&spades(south)>=4)|| (clubs(north)>=5&&diamonds(north)==4&&(hearts(south)>=4||spades(south)>=4))|| (clubs(north)>=5&&hearts(north)==4&&spades(south)>=4) )

To get a reversing shape where the responding hand has a 2/1 GF response:-

(hcp(south)>=13)&& ( (hcp(north)>=16&&hcp(north)<=21) || (hcp(north)>=11&&hcp(north)<=15) ) && ( (hearts(north)>=5&&spades(north)==4&&(clubs(south)>=5||diamonds(south)>=5) )|| (diamonds(north)>=5&&hearts(north)==4&&clubs(south)>=5)|| (diamonds(north)>=5&&spades(north)==4&&clubs(south)>=5) )


To get an opening 1C bid and 1M overcall and responder have 5+ cards in a displaced suit with 6+ HCP

(clubs(north)>=1&&diamonds(north)<=3&&hearts(north)<=4&&spades(north)<=4&&((hcp(north)>=12&&hcp(north)<=14)||(hcp(north)>=18&&hcp(north)<=19))) && ( (hearts(east)>=5&&diamonds(south)>=5)|| (spades(east)>=5&&(diamonds(south)>=5||hearts(south)>=5)) ) &&hcp(east)>=12 &&hcp(south)>=6

To get an opening 1C or 1D bid and 1M overcall and responder have 5+ cards in a displaced suit with 6+ HCP

(clubs(north)>=1&&diamonds(north)<=3&&hearts(north)<=4&&spades(north)<=4&&)||(diamonds>=4&&clubs<=4&&hearts(north)<=4&&spades(north)<=4&&(hcp(north)>=12&&hcp(north)<=14)((hcp(north)>=12&&hcp(north)<=14)||(hcp(north)>=18&&hcp(north)<=19))) && ( (hearts(east)>=5&&diamonds(south)>=5)|| (spades(east)>=5&&(diamonds(south)>=5||hearts(south)>=5)) ) &&hcp(east)>=12 &&hcp(south)>=6

4441 HANDS

To get a 4441 hand:-

(shape(north, 4441)||shape(north, 4414)||shape(north, 4144)||shape(north, 1444))&& hcp(north)>=12&&hcp(south)>=6


To get a 5 card major opening & a responding hand with a 2/1 GF response:-

(hcp(south)>=13)&& ( (hcp(north)>=16&&hcp(north)<=21) || (hcp(north)>=11&&hcp(north)<=14) ) && ( (hearts(north)>=5&&(clubs(south)>=5||diamonds(south)>=5) )|| (spades(north)>=5&&(clubs(south)>=5||diamonds(south)>=5||hearts(south)>=5) ) )


To get a Michaels Cue bid or Unusual 2NT overcall (NB will also get ‘extremes’ e.g. (1C)-? D+S)

( (hearts(west)>=5&&shape(north, 5x5x+5xx5+xx55))|| (spades(west)>=5&&shape(north, x55x+x5x5+xx55))|| (clubs(west)>=4&&hearts(west)<=4&&spades(west)<=4&&shape(north, 55xx+5x5x+x55x))|| (diamonds(west)>=4&&hearts(west)<=4&&spades(west)<=4&&shape(north, 55xx+5xx5+x5x5)) )&& hcp(west)>=12&&hcp(west)<=19&&!(shape(west, any 5332 + any 4432 + any 4333)&&hcp(west)>=15&&hcp(west)<=17) &&hcp(north)>=6


To get a 1D/M opening with 1NT response

( (hearts(north)>=5&&shape(south, 3244 + 3253 + 3235 + 31xx + 21xx))|| (spades(north)>=5&&shape(south, 2344 + 2353 + 2335 + 1xxx + 2xxx))|| ((diamonds(north)>=5||shape(north, 3343))&&shape(south, 3235 + 2335 + 3325)) )&& hcp(north)>=12&&hcp(north)<=19&& !(shape(north, any 5332)&&hcp(north)>=15&&hcp(north)<=17)&& hcp(south)>=6&&hcp(south)<=11


To get a 2C opening, either less than 5 loser hand & 19+ HCP or any 23+ HCP with specific distributional response

( ( loser(south)<5&&hcp(south)>19 )|| hcp(south)>=23 )&& shape(north, any 6xxx + any 7xxx)

To get distributional hands that qualify for a 2C opening – i.e. satisfy the ‘Rule of 25’ but are less than 22 HCP

loser(south)<5&&hcp(south)>16&&hcp(south)<22&&shape(south, any 6xxx + any 7xxx + any 55xx)

To get a 2C opening, either less than 5 loser hand & 19+ HCP or any 23+ HCP with a potential overcall (NB BBO robots don’t overcall, so you need to rebid considering the auction if they had

((loser(south)<5&&hcp(south)>19)||hcp(south)>=23)&& ( (shape(east,xxx6)&&hcp(east,clubs)>=5)|| (shape(east,xx6x)&&hcp(east,diamonds)>=5)|| (shape(east,x6xx)&&hcp(east,hearts)>=5)|| (shape(east,6xxx)&&hcp(east,spades)>=5) )


To get an Ekren opening with a responding 15 HCP opposite.

( hearts(north)>=4&&spades(north)>=4&& hcp(north)>=5&&hcp(north)<=9 )&& hcp(south)>=15


To get an opening 2D ‘weak’ Weak 2M (showing 5+ cards + another suit or 6 card suit <8 HCP) OR opening 2M ‘intermediate’ 2M (showing 8-11 HCP with a 6 card suit)

( (shape(north, 6xxx + x6xx)&&hcp(north)<12)|| (shape(north, 55xx + 54xx + 45xx + 5x4x + 5xx4 + x54x + x5x4 + 5x5x + 5xx5 + x55x + x5x5)&&hcp(north)<8) )


To get an opening 2NT opening2NT =

( shape(north, any 5332 + any 4432 + any 4333)&& hcp(north)>=20&&hcp(north)<=22 ) condition opening2NT

To get an opening 2NT and responder has both minors condition opening2NT&&

( (shape(south, xx54 + xx45 + xx55 + xx65 + xx56)&&hcp(south)>3)|| (shape(south, 2344 + 3244)&&hcp(south)>10) )

To get an opening 1NT or 2NT with a 2/3C, 2/3S or 2N response:-

(shape(north, any 5332 + any 4432 + any 4333)&&((hcp(north)>=15&&hcp(north)<=17)||(hcp(north)>=20&&hcp(north)<=22)))&&((shape(south, any 4333 + any 4432 + any 4441)&&hcp(south)>7)||(shape(south, xx6x + xxx6 + xx7x + xxx7)&&hcp(south)<8)||(shape(south, xx54 + xx45 + xx55 + xx65 + xx56)&&hcp(south)>7))

Practicing against a weak-only Multi 2D

# They (West) open a weak only Multi 2D – 5-9pts, 6 card suit, 3+pts in suit, no outside 4 card major or 5 card suit. # East has a maximum of 8pts # Max EW total pts =9+8=17pts. Min EW pts =5+0=5pts. condition

(shape(west, 6x4x + 6xx4 -64xx +63xx +6x3x +6xx3) and hcp(west)>=5 and hcp(west)<=9 and hcp(west, spades)>=3 and hcp(east)<=8) or (shape(west, x64x + x6x4 -46xx +36xx +x63x +x6x3) and hcp(west)>=5 and hcp(west)<=9 and hcp(west, hearts)>=3 and hcp(east)<=8)

To get a 1NT or 2NT opening with balanced hands and minor suit 2 suiters :

shape(north, any 5332 + any 4432 + any 4333)&& ( hcp(north)>=20&&hcp(north)<=22&& ( (shape(south, any 4333 + any 2344)&&hcp(south)>11)|| (shape(south, 2344 + 3244 + 1354 + 3154 + 2254)&&hcp(south)>10) ) )|| ( hcp(north)>=15&&hcp(north)<=17&& ( (shape(south, any 4333 + any 2344)&&hcp(south)>16)|| (shape(south, 2344 + 3244 + 1354 + 3154 + 2254)&&hcp(south)>15) ) )


To get a Weak 2M opening

hcp(south)>3&&hcp(south)<=9&& ( (shape(south,x6xx)&&hcp(south, hearts)>2)||(shape(south,6xxx)&&hcp(south, spades)>2) )

To get a Weak 2M or 2 suited opening

hcp(south)>4&&hcp(south)<=9&& ( ((shape(south,x6xx)&&hcp(south, hearts)>2)||(shape(south,6xxx)&&hcp(south, spades)>2))|| (shape(south, any 55xx)||shape(south, any 54xx)||shape(south, 44xx)) )

To get a Weak 2 opening with a takeout double and Lebensohl opposite double

( hcp(east)>5&&hcp(east)<=10&& ( ((shape(east,xx6x)&&spades(east)<4&&hearts(east)<4)&&hcp(east,diamonds)>4&&shape(south, 4414+4504+5404+4405+4513+5413+3415+4315))|| (shape(east,26xx)&&hcp(east,hearts)>4&&shape(south, 4144+5044+4054+4045+4153+4135+5143+5134))|| (shape(east,62xx)&&hcp(east,spades)>4&&shape(south, 1444+0544+0454+0445+1453+1435+1543+1534)) )&& hcp(south)>13&& shape(north, any 5xxx + any 4333 + any 4432 + any 54xx + any 6331) )

To get a Weak 2 opening with a Leaping Michaels overall

( hcp(east)>5&&hcp(east)<=9&& ( ((shape(east,xx6x)&&spades(east)<4&&hearts(east)<4)&&hcp(east,diamonds)>4&&shape(south, 55xx+5xx5+x5x5+65xx+56xx+5xx6+6xx5+x5x6+x6x5))|| (shape(east,26xx)&&hcp(east,hearts)>4&&shape(south, 5x5x+5xx5+xx55+6x5x+5x6x+5xx6+6xx5+xx56+xx65))|| (shape(east,62xx)&&hcp(east,spades)>4&&shape(south, x55x+x5x5+xx55+x65x+x56x+x5x6+x6x5+xx56+xx65)) )&& hcp(south)>17 )

To get a Weak 3 opening with a takeout double

( hcp(east)>5&&hcp(east)<=9&& ( ((shape(east,xxx7)&&spades(east)<4&&hearts(east)<4)&&hcp(east,clubs)>4&&shape(south, 4441+4540+5440+4450+4531+5431+3451+4351))|| ((shape(east,xx7x)&&spades(east)<4&&hearts(east)<4)&&hcp(east,diamonds)>4&&shape(south, 4414+4504+5404+4405+4513+5413+3415+4315))|| (shape(east,27xx)&&hcp(east,hearts)>4&&shape(south, 4144+5044+4054+4045+4153+4135+5143+5134))|| (shape(east,72xx)&&hcp(east,spades)>4&&shape(south, 1444+0544+0454+0445+1453+1435+1543+1534)) )&& hcp(south)>13 )

To get a Weak 3 opening with a Non-Leaping Michaels overall

( hcp(east)>5&&hcp(east)<=9&& ( ((shape(east,xxx7)&&spades(east)<4&&hearts(east)<4)&&hcp(east,clubs)>4&&shape(south, 55xx+5x5x+x55x+65xx+56xx+5x6x+6x5x+x56x+x65x))|| ((shape(east,xx7x)&&spades(east)<4&&hearts(east)<4)&&hcp(east,diamonds)>4&&shape(south, 55xx+5xx5+x5x5+65xx+56xx+5xx6+6xx5+x5x6+x6x5))|| (shape(east,27xx)&&hcp(east,hearts)>4&&shape(south, 5x5x+5xx5+xx55+6x5x+5x6x+5xx6+6xx5+xx56+xx65))|| (shape(east,72xx)&&hcp(east,spades)>4&&shape(south, x55x+x5x5+xx55+x65x+x56x+x5x6+x6x5+xx56+xx65)) )&& hcp(south)>17 )

2-level opening bids:

( hcp(north)>=22 or (( hcp(north)>=6 and hcp(north)<=10) and ( (spades(north)==6 and hcp(north,spades)>=5) or (hearts(north)==6 and hcp(north,hearts)>=5) or (diamonds(north)==6 and hcp(north,diamonds)>=5 ))))

1m opening bid + simple overcall

(( hcp(north)>=11 and clubs(north)>=5 and spades(north)<=4 and hearts(north)<=4 ) or ( hcp(north)>=11 and diamonds(north)>=5 and spades(north)<=4 and hearts(north)<=4 ) or ( hcp(north)>=12 and hcp(north)<=14 and spades(north)<=4 and hearts(north)<=4 ) or ( hcp(north)>=18 and hcp(north)<=19 and spades(north)<=4 and hearts(north)<=4 ) ) and (( hcp(east)>=9 and spades(east)>=5 ) or ( hcp(east)>=9 and hearts(east)>=5 ) or ( hcp(east)>=11 and clubs(east)>=6) or ( hcp(east)>=11 and diamonds(east)>=6))